Risk assessment for areas prone to flooding and subsidence: a case study from Bergen, Western Norway

Guri Venvik, Ane Bang-Kittilsen, Floris Boogaard

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    Bergen city centre is prone to both subsidence and flooding. With a predicted increase in precipitation due to climate change, a higher proportion of rainfall becomes surface runoff, which results in increased peak flood discharges. In addition, it has been predicted that sea-level rise and increasing storm surges will result in coastal flooding. In this study, the dual hazards of flooding and subsidence are analysed to exemplify possible risk assessment maps for areas most prone to the combination of both. Risk assessment maps are a support tool to identify areas where mitigation of subsidence and adaptation for surface water management will be most efficient and measures can be implemented. The results show that dual hazard assessment, like that described in this paper, can be a useful tool for decision-makers when prioritizing areas to implement measures such as Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)322-338
    Number of pages17
    JournalHydrology Research
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2020


    • flooding
    • water management


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