Receptivity of water managers towards underwater unmanned technology

Floris Boogaard, Rui de Lima, R. De Graaf

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    Inland surface water systems are characterized by constant variations in time and space. The increased pressure, of natural or anthropic origin, as a consequence of climate change, population growth and urban development accentuate these changes. Effective water management is key to achieve European waterquality and ecological goals. This is only possible with accurate and extensive knowledge of water systems.The collection of data using platforms such as underwater, water surface or aerial drones is gradually becoming more common and appraised. However, these are not yet standard practice in watermanagement. This work addresses the receptivity of water managers in the Netherlands towards underwater drone technology:· Listing and testing of suitable applications;· Comparison between data requirements of water managers (e.g. legislation) and data thatunderwater drones can provide;· Identification of features should R&D projects focus to increase the interest of the water sector.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018
    EventInternational Conference Water Science for Impact - Orion, Wageningen, Netherlands
    Duration: 16 Oct 201818 Oct 2018
    http://International Conference Water Science for Impact


    ConferenceInternational Conference Water Science for Impact
    Internet address


    • water
    • climate
    • climateadaption
    • technology


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