PhyloPat: an updated version of the phylogenetic pattern database contains gene neighborhood

Tim Hulsen, Peter M A Groenen, Jacob de Vlieg, Wynand Alkema

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


    Phylogenetic patterns show the presence or absence of certain genes in a set of full genomes derived from different species. They can also be used to determine sets of genes that occur only in certain evolutionary branches. Previously, we presented a database named PhyloPat which allows the complete Ensembl gene database to be queried using phylogenetic patterns. Here, we describe an updated version of PhyloPat which can be queried by an improved web server. We used a single linkage clustering algorithm to create 241 697 phylogenetic lineages, using all the orthologies provided by Ensembl v49. PhyloPat offers the possibility of querying with binary phylogenetic patterns or regular expressions, or through a phylogenetic tree of the 39 included species. Users can also input a list of Ensembl, EMBL, EntrezGene or HGNC IDs to check which phylogenetic lineage any gene belongs to. A link to the FatiGO web interface has been incorporated in the HTML output. For each gene, the surrounding genes on the chromosome, color coded according to their phylogenetic lineage can be viewed, as well as FASTA files of the peptide sequences of each lineage. Furthermore, lists of omnipresent, polypresent, oligopresent and anticorrelating genes have been included. PhyloPat is freely available at © 2008 The Author(s).
    Original languageEnglish
    Article numberDatabase-Issue
    Pages (from-to)731-737
    Number of pages7
    JournalNucleic Acids Research
    Issue numberSUPPL. 1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2009


    • algorithms
    • databases, genetic
    • evolution, molecular
    • genes
    • internet
    • phylogeny
    • user-computer interface


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