Mono->bi->multi->inter-trans->idio? On operationalizing concepts of culture in Dutch (music) education

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


Evert Bisschop Boele explicitly refers to different conceptualizations of culture by describing earlier concepts of culture in education in the Netherlands to explain the proposed logical shift to “idiocultural” music education. Idiocultural music education, according to him, encompasses the fact that each person is highly individual as well as highly social simultaneously, thus, idiocultural music education should take this into account and perceive individuals and social beings with complex and dynamic cultural backgrounds that deserve respect and should be the origin for the individual’s further musical development. Bisschop Boele’s description of earlier concepts of culture connects each concept prior to idioculture, e.g., monocultural, bicultural, multicultural, in five stages with a societal development throughout the last 70 years in the Netherlands. Two different theoretical lenses are applied to theoretically underpin these different conceptualizations of culture.
Translated title of the contributionMono->bi->multi->inter-trans->idio?: Het operationaliseren van het concept cultuur in het Nederlands (muziek)onderwijs
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAspects of multiculturalism in arts education
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 3rd German-Dutch Colloquium
EditorsAndreas Lehmann-Wermser, Eva Schurig
Place of PublicationHannover
PublisherHochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)978-3-931852-54-2
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Publication series



  • music education
  • multicultural
  • intercultural
  • idiocultural
  • culture


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