International study on the long-term efficiency of stormwater infiltration by permeable pavements

Floris Boogaard, T. Lucke, Carsten Dierkes, Ronald Wentink, Olof Akkerman

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output

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    Although permeable pavements have been used all over the world in recent years to infiltrate and treat stormwater, only limited research has been undertaken to investigate and compare the long-term performance of these sustainable urban drainage system devices. This paper presents the results of an extensive international review of research on the reduction of infiltration capacity of permeable pavements over time. The results of these studies, coupled with specific knowledge of the key environmental factors on the individual research locations and infiltration testing methods used, enables the maintenance of these SUDS to be strategically planned in order to meet specific European and international infiltration capacity guidelines.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    EventAmsterdam International Water Week -
    Duration: 2 Nov 20156 Nov 2015


    ConferenceAmsterdam International Water Week


    • permeable pavement
    • stormwater infiltration
    • sustainable urban drainage systems


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