Implementation of technology needs assessments: Linkages between the technology needs assessment process and the nationally determined contribution process

Wytze van der Gaast, Carlos Picon

Research output: Working paperProfessional


This paper elaborates on potential linkages between TNAs and NDCs. TNAs have been conducted by developing countries since 2001 as a participatory process to prioritize technologies for mitigation and adaptation within countries’ national sustainable development contexts. Around 15 years after conducting the first TNA, its bottom-up paradigm was reflected in the Paris Agreement and the concept of NDCs. In their NDCs countries determine actions within their national contexts that contribute to the goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 °C and preferably below 1.5 °C. There are many potential interlinkages between TNAs and NDCs, as noted in earlier papers by the TEC. For example, TEC (2018) compares possible NDC design and implementation steps with those in the TNA guidance, concluding that outputs from one process could be used as inputs for the other. Recent synthesis reports on NDCs and TNAs highlight that the processes refer to each other in several ways. Most recent TNAs use a country’s NDC as a starting point for the analysis.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUnited Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Number of pages42
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022


  • climate change
  • technologies
  • transition


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