HRM implementation levers: a multiple case study of the implementability of HRM tools

Ben Emans, Arnoud Boeve, Marijke van der Klok Postema

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A qualitative study of HRM programmes in eight different organizations was set up in order to identify factors, called implementability levers, that contributed to the implementability of those programmes. Three types of those levers were found, related to, respectively, the proces of the programme implementation (example: the involvement of line managers in the programme development), the content of the programme (example: the adaptibility of the programme) and the programme’s context (example: the accessibility of the HRM department for involved line managers). Levers in each of the categories appeared to have, as regards their impact on the programme’s implementability, a bright as well as a dark side: they tended to promote, in some specific way, as well as to hamper, in another specific way, the implementation of programmes. Taking care of programme implementability thus shows up as a doable, but puzzling, change management-like task of HR managers.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages24
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventVIII International Workshop on HRM - Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Spain
Duration: 12 May 201113 May 2011


ConferenceVIII International Workshop on HRM
Internet address


  • hrm
  • implementation
  • devolution


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