Het betrekken van naasten in de forensisch ambulante GGZ en de relatie hiervan met het verminderen van het recidiverisico: een pilotstudie

Udo Saathof, Eric Blaauw

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    Introduction and Aims: Involving social support can be beneficial for forensic psychiatric treatment in reducing recidivism. It is unknown whether encouraging to bring significant others to treatment actually leads to more people accompanying patients and whether this has a positive effect on the reduction of recidivism. Design and Methods: This pilot study included a simple intervention to include family members in forensic day treatment. The control group received treatment as usual in the period January 2019 to March 2020. The intervention group was
    encouraged to bring a significant other to treatment in the period March 2020 to March 2021. Results: The control group (N = 46) and the intervention group (N = 47) did not differ from each other in whether or not significant others accompanied the patients to treatment (X2 = .41, p = .52). The reduction in risk of recidivism measured with the FARE also did not differ between the two groups (t(91) = .20, p = .84). Discussion and Conclusions: There are several possible explanations for why there was no difference between the groups with regard to the bringing of significant others. Even though the instructions were simple, these instructions may have been unclear for patient, shame or guilt may have prevented patients from asking
    their social support, patients may not have had any social network, or patients may have had feelings of resentment. The role of the significant others may also have
    been a factor in not inviting someone and COVID-19 measures may have had an impact. With regard to the no difference in recidivism reduction between the two groups, it is possible that the treatment duration was too short and that the initial measurement of the FARE was possibly too low due to insufficient information from the patient as well as judicial information. Further research is needed to answer the question whether social support lowers the risk of recidivism.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)91-103
    JournalGGzet wetenschappelijk
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


    • involve relatives
    • forensic day treatment
    • risk of recidivism

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