Grid governance; what new roles for the community energy movement?

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In the Netherlands, energy cooperatives are increasingly active in the production of renewable energy. Many cooperatives have concrete plans to invest in energy projects, such as solar fields and wind turbines. Unfortunately, in the coming years there will hardly be any room for such projects in the electricity grid. In their quest to help solve this predicament, energy cooperatives develop new and innovative energy services, for example delivering grid services to distribution system operators (DSOs). However, in this endeavor they encounter legal as well as economic obstacles.
Translated title of the contributionCoöperatief in balans, nieuwe energiediensten voor coöperaties
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 8 Jun 2021
Event12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference : Mainstreaming sustainability transitions: From research towards impact - online, Karlsruhe, Germany
Duration: 5 Oct 20218 Oct 2021


Conference12th International Sustainability Transitions Conference
Abbreviated titleIST Karlsruhe
Internet address


  • grid management
  • energy initiatives
  • energy transition
  • social movements


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