Force transmission through the juvenile idiopathic arthritic wrist: a novel approach using a sliding rigid body spring model

Kurt Manal, Xiaopeng Lu, Marianne K Nieuwenhuis, Paul J M Helders, Thomas S Buchanan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Force transmission across the wrist during a grasping maneuver of the hand was simulated for three children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and for one healthy age-matched child. Joint reaction forces were estimated using a series of springs between articulating bones. This method (i.e., rigid body spring modeling) has proven useful for examining loading profiles for normally aligned wrists. A novel method (i.e., sliding rigid body spring modeling) designed specifically for studying joint reaction forces of the malaligned JIA wrist is presented in this paper. Loading profiles across the wrist for the unimpaired child were similar using both spring modeling methods. However, the traditional fixed-end method failed to converge to a solution for one of the JIA subjects indicating the sliding model may be more suitable for investigating loading profiles of the malaligned wrist. The results of this study suggest that a larger proportion of force is transferred through the ulno-carpal joint of the JIA wrist than for healthy subjects, with a less than normal proportion of force transferred through the radio-carpal joint. In addition, the ulnar directed forces along the shear axis defined in this study were greater for all three JIA children compared to values for the healthy child. These observations are what were hypothesized for an individual with JIA of the wrist.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)125-33
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Biomechanics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002


  • arthritis
  • biomechanical phenomena
  • wrist joint
  • anatomical models
  • physiopathology
  • children
  • force transmission
  • measurement methods


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