Een algemene benadering werkt niet: disciplinaire verschillen als verklaring van studievoortgang in het hoger beroepsonderwijs

Jan Kamphorst, Adriaan Hofman, Ellen Jansen, Cees Terlouw

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    We combine concepts of Tinto’s theory on student departure and Becher’s theory on disciplinary tribes for explaining study progress in universities. We collected data with an online questionnaire distributed among 8.000 freshmen (response 30%). In a general linear structural model, preparation, first year experience and study behaviour explain study progress (N = 1.876). We compared models for the subsamples of Economics, Engineering, Health, and Social Work. Results show that persistence is the over- all most important study success factor. Preparation during secondary education affects satisfaction in the first year. However, influences of the variables preparation in active learning, gender, prior education, contact hours and self study hours, on study progress vary across sectors. This conclusion has bearing for further research, and for the improvement of the first year of higher education.
    Original languageDutch
    Pages (from-to)20-38
    JournalPedagogische Studiën
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2012


    • higher education
    • study success

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