Digitaal programma ‘leef gezond met diabetes’: een combinatie van een online platform, activity tracker en smartphoneapp ter bevordering van een gezonde leefstijl bij mensen met diabetes

Martijn de Groot, Thea Kooiman, Alida Wolters, Iwan Kind, Cees van der Schans

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Abstract in English: Digital health program ‘living healthy with diabetes’
The interest in personal health data and self-monitoring in health care
grows sustainably. Despite high expectations to innovate the health care
system with digital health technology, little is still known about the implementation and effectiveness of digital health solutions in clinical practice.
This article reports the pilot results of the development and implementation
of a digital health program. The program is a combination of an online
platform, activity tracker and smartphone application to support a positive
lifestyle change for people with diabetes mellitus type 2. The service
was developed by a public-private collaboration according to open innovation

Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)53-55
JournalTijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2015


  • digital health
  • e-health
  • quantified self
  • self monitoring
  • diabetes mellitus
  • wearable technology
  • activity trackers

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