COP action plan (work package 4): COP4HL

Johan de Jong, Paul Beenen, Harold Hofenk, Chris Kubbinga, Jacqueline Selker

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional

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In this Action planning document, the main objectives that are present from the overall KA COP4HL perspective to the local COPs are described. At the level of the local level of the COP the shared objective, which came out of the needs analysis process, are described per COP.In COP Groningen, the shared objective/goal will be: “stimulating a Healthy environment (physical & social) with focus on physical activity”. COP Malaga had three potential shared objectives but after a shared decision making procedure the unanimously decision was towards: “developing, implementing and evaluatingoutdoor fitness”. COP Odense will elaborate on an intermediary approach with the focus on the: “further develop and educate professionals who work on stimulating physical activity in community dwelling older adult”’.COP Kaunas defined the following shared objective: “to provide opportunities for primary school children and Kaunas district community members older than 50 more opportunities for exercising and physical activity”. COP Cascais will contribute the goal to: “develop, organize for and together with the stakeholders and end users (youngsters from 12-24 years old) activities focused on healthy lifestyle (e.g., healthy cooking workshops, parent-child physical activities etc.) embedded in approach GERAÇÃO S+ “.The next phase, after the decision on the shared objective of the COPs, is the action planning for the further COP development. A total of 7 steps are described.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - May 2019


  • cop4hl
  • europe
  • healthy ageing
  • knowledge alliance
  • healthy lifestyle


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