Artists and designers as agents of change

Bart Barnard, Michel van Dartel, Nathalie Beekman, Klaas Pieter Lindeman, Anne Nigten

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperOther research output

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This paper will focus on the role of artists and designers as agents of change in sustainability innovation. We will analyse the characteristics of this role on the basis of a review of literature that discusses various concepts, methodologies and strategies applied by artists and designers in innovation processes. The paper will analyse two case studies in which artists and designers acted as agents of change and will discuss insights from these case studies in the light of the literature reviewed. We will then continue to investigate how certain characteristics of the involvement of artists and designers in innovation processes relate to the impact of the process on a social-, business- or product level. The paper will conclude with lessons learnt regarding the role of artists and designers as agents of change in innovation processes and will introduce directions for future research.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventParticipatory Innovation Conference (PIN-C) 2015: reframing design - The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague, Netherlands
Duration: 18 May 201520 May 2015


ConferenceParticipatory Innovation Conference (PIN-C) 2015
Abbreviated titlePIN-C 2015
CityThe Hague
Internet address


  • arts
  • design
  • technology
  • sustainability
  • innovation


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