Are suspected auditory processing disorders in children aged 8-12 years related to attention, working memory, nonverbal intelligence and communication abilities?

Ellen de Wit (First author), Pim van Dijk, Bert Steenbergen, Cees van der Schans, Margreet Luinge

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Background: Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a diagnosis that is widely discussed. Children diagnosed with APD have difficulty listening in complex situations, despite a well-functioning peripheral hearing. However, there seems to be no evidence for the validity of a purely auditory deficit. The aim of this study is to examine the differences in performance between children with suspected APD and typically developing children on tests of communication, auditory processing, nonverbal intelligence, working memory, and visual and auditory attention.
Methods: In a case-control study we examined 9 children with suspected APD and 21 typically developing children, ages 8;0 to 12;0 years. The parents of all children completed three questionnaires about history, behavioral symptoms of ADHD, and communication skills. The teachers of the children completed the Children’s Auditory Processing Performance Scale (CHAPPS). The children themselves were assessed for auditory processing abilities, nonverbal intelligence, working memory, and auditory and visual attention.
Results: No differences were found between groups in age, nonverbal intelligence quotient, and performance on auditory processing tests. Children with suspected APD have significantly poorer communication performance (parent report), poorer listening skills (teacher report), poorer working memory and poorer auditory and visual skills.
Conclusion: There is a difference between children with suspected APD and typically developing children. Children with suspected APD perform insufficient on tests of working memory, and have a slower response to auditory and visual attention tasks. Parents of children with suspected APD report difficulties in communication and teachers assess the children of being at risk for listening difficulties.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017
EventAudiological Research Cores in Europe meeting 2017 - KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Duration: 21 Nov 201722 Nov 2017


ConferenceAudiological Research Cores in Europe meeting 2017
Abbreviated titleARCHES Meeting


  • listening difficulties


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