Alternatives to natural gas: the legal framework on synthetic natural gas and biomethane

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review


For centuries, natural gas has been one of humanity’s main energy sources. The gas sector is still heavily reliant on natural gas production; however, as natural gas fields contain only a finite quantity of gas, its continued extraction is leading to the resource’s depletion. Furthermore, natural gas production has become a subject of debate, with many considering continued utilisation incompatible with the achievement of international and European climate goals. The need for alternative gases that are less damaging to the environment is becoming increasingly evident. Biomethane has shown itself to be a reliable alternative to natural gas, and if sourced and manufactured responsibly results in no new CO2 emissions. Another alternative, hydrogen, can, through the process of methanisation, be converted into synthetic natural gas (SNG). This chapter discusses the legal aspects of the production and use of biomethane, hydrogen and SNG.
Translated title of the contributionAlternatieven voor aardgas: het juridische kader van synthetisch aardgas en groen gas
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationElgar encyclopedia on energy and environmental law
EditorsM.M. Roggenkamp, K.J. de Graaf, R. Fleming
Place of PublicationCheltenham, UK
PublisherEE: Edward Elgar Publishing
ChapterIX. 28
ISBN (Print)9781786436986
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2021

Publication series

SeriesElgar Encyclopedia of Environment Law law. - ISBN 9781786436986


  • energy transition
  • law


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