Afbraak van Per- en Trichlooretheen onder sequentiele redoxomstandigheden, fase 3: full-scale implementatie gestimuleerde reductieve dechlorering

Civieltechnisch centrum Uitvoering Research en regelgeving CUR, Nederlands Onderzoeksprogramma Biotechnologische In-situ Sanering NOBIS, A.A.M Nipshagen, A.A.M Langenhoff, Janneke Krooneman, A Smaalen, G Visscher

Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


An implementation project is being carried out by order of NOBIS with respect to the degradation of perchloroethylene (PCE) on the Rademarkt in Groningen.
In the case of contamination with PCE and TCE increasing attention is being given to the stimulation of the intrinsic degradation processes in certain reactive zones of the soil (in space and/or time) focussed on limiting/reducing risks.
By tests in the laboratory, the aerobic and anaerobic degradation of PCE and reductive dechlorination products are quantified. The combination of these results with the field characteristics made it possible to translate these results to the field situation and perform a pilot-scale field test.
The results led to an implementation of an in situ bioremediation at a part of the location situated around the contamination core. The goal of this partial remediation is to maximally reduce the contamination in the core within the time fixed. This will be achieved by maximally stimulating the biological activity by addition of a mixture of electron donors.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationGouda
Number of pages54
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes

Publication series



  • chloroethylene
  • soil remediation
  • biodegradation

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