Addressing the financial feasibility struggles of adaptation projects: appreciating the significance of secondary benefits

Michael Bosscher, Floris Boogaard

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperProfessional

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    Many adaptation projects struggle with financial feasibility in the current financial system and
    consequently face a decreased implementation probability. One means of addressing this
    challenge is the accurate valuation of secondary benefits, for example (social) marketing
    potential, employment and knowledge development. Based on personal experience with real
    cases in The Netherlands, the authors of this paper have identified the (social) marketing
    potential of ‘sustainable development (SD) icon projects’ (highly visible SD
    features/characteristics) as a significant driver of stakeholder value. However, utilization of this
    driver of stakeholder value demands accurate valuation and subsequent integration into the
    financial feasibility evaluation of adaptation projects.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2018


    • water
    • climate
    • climateadaption
    • drainage systems


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