A tool for analyzing the sustainability of biogas production chains

Frank Pierie, J. Broekhuijsen, Wim van Gemert, Henri C. Moll

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Abstract written for an poster presentation at the EBA conference in Alkmaar. The flexibility of biogas makes it a very capable load balancer within decentralized smart energy systems. However, within this context the sustainability of biogas production is not fully understood. What is needed is a tool for analyzing the ustainability of biogas production pathways. The main goal, of this research is to design a transparent flexible planning tool capable determining the sustainability of decentralized biogas production chains. This insight will help in designing a tailor-made biogas production chain for a specific geographic location, increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of biogas as a renewable resource.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2014
EventEuropean Biogas Conference 2014 - Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
Duration: 30 Sept 20142 Oct 2014
Conference number: 2nd


ConferenceEuropean Biogas Conference 2014
Abbreviated titleEBA Conference 2014
CityEgmond aan Zee


  • energy
  • biogas
  • co-digestion
  • sustainability


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