A tool for analysing, researching and modeling energy efficiency, sustainability and flexibility of biogas chains operating as load balancer within decentralized (smart) energy systems

Frank Pierie, J. Broekhuijsen, M. Vonder

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Renewable energy is often suggested as a possible solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing dependency on fossil energy sources. The most readily available renewable energy sources in Europe, wind, solar and biomass are dispersed by nature, making them ideally suited for use within Decentralized Energy Systems. Decentralized energy grids can help integrate renewable production, short lived by-products e.g. heat, minimize transport of energy carriers and fuel sources and reduce the dependency on fossils, hence, possibly improving the overall efficiency and sustainability of the energy distribution system. Within these grids balance between local renewable production and local energy demand is an important subject. Currently, fluctuations between demand and production of energy are mainly balanced by input from conventional power stations, which operate on storable fossil energy sources e.g. coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear. Within the long term scope of transition towards a low carbon intensive energy system, sustainable systems must be found which can replace fossil energy sources as load balancer in our energy supply systems.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013
Event21th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) 2013 - Bella Center, Copenhagen , Denmark
Duration: 3 Jun 20137 Jun 2013
Conference number: 21th


Conference21th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) 2013
Abbreviated titleEUBCE 2013
Internet address


  • energy


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