A step-by-step plan to manage and measure adding value by FM/CREM

Theo van der Voordt, Per Anker Jensen, Jan Gerard Hoendervanger, Feike Bergsma

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingContribution to conference proceedingProfessional

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Purpose: To present a new Value Adding Management model in order to support decision makers in identifying appropriate interventions to add value to the organisation, to manage its implementation, and to measure the output and outcomes.
Theory: The paper builds on value adding management theories and models including the triplet input-throughput-output, a distinction between output, outcome and added value, the Plan-Do-Act-Check cycle, change management and performance measurement.
Design/methodology/approach: Literature review and a cross-chapter analysis of a forthcoming book, where authors from different European countries present a state of the art of theory and research on 12 value parameters, how to manage and measure each value, and to discuss the costs and benefits of typical FM and CREM interventions to enhance satisfaction, image, culture, health and safety, productivity, adaptability, innovation, risk, cost, value of assets, sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Findings: The new Value Adding Management model follows the steps from the well-known Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. The four steps are supported by various tools that were found in the literature or came to the fore in the state-of-the-art sections of the 12 value parameters. Furthermore an overview is presented of ways to measure the 12 value parameters and related Key Performance Indicators.
Originality/value: Much has been written about adding value by FM and CREM. This paper presents a new Value Adding Management model that opens the black box of input-throughput-output-outcome and which is supported by various management and measurement tools.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch papers for EuroFM's 15th research symposium at EFMC 2016
EditorsSusanne Balslev Nielsen, Per Anker Jensen
Place of PublicationLyngby
PublisherPolyteknisk Boghandel og Forlag
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016
Event24th European Facility Management Conference (EFMC) 2016: enhancing people and business - Milan, Italy
Duration: 8 Jun 20169 Jun 2016
Conference number: 24th


Conference24th European Facility Management Conference (EFMC) 2016
Abbreviated titleEFMC 2016
Internet address


  • added value
  • facility management
  • real estate management
  • corporations
  • interventions


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