A method to determine a configuration of services that is viable: enabling energy business networks

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Methods to design viable business networks (BNs) treat the concept of viability merely in terms of profitability. Further, the methods are restricted to mono-commodity (a single product or a service) BNs. However, business literature suggests that besides economic value (profit), non-economic values (e.g. lowering CO2 emission) play an important role in making BNs viable. Furthermore, BNs can also be multi-commodity (e.g. electricity, gas, heat). Hence, we aim to develop an method to determine a viable configuration of services for multi-commodity BNs. In addition, the term viability is used in an extended scope to include non-economic values.
Translated title of the contributionEen methode om een levensvatbare service-configuratie af te leiden: het mogelijk maken van energie bedrijfsnetwerken
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • energy networks
  • business models


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