Music near you - Person-centred music making for vulnerable elderly people living independently and their carers

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Within the current offer of music for elderly people many practices are targeted to care and nursing homes. The majority of the vulnerable elderly people in The Netherlands, however, still live independently in their own homes. Following the idea that music can be a catalyst for wellbeing, Music near you initiates a new innovative music practice in which professional musicians make music tailored to elderly people living at home and their carers. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project was eventually developed virtually.

    Layman's description

    Binnen het huidige muziekaanbod voor ouderen zijn veel praktijken gericht op woonzorg- en verpleeghuizen. Het grootste deel van de kwetsbare ouderen woont echter thuis. Vanuit de gedachte dat muziek een katalysator kan zijn voor welzijn en welbevinden, wordt met Dichtbij met Muziek een nieuwe innovatieve muziekpraktijk geïnitieerd waarbij professionele musici op maat muziek maken voor kwetsbare ouderen die (nog) thuis wonen en hun mantelzorgers. De uitbraak van de corona-pandemie zorgde ervoor dat de praktijk uiteindelijk virtueel tot stand is gekomen.

    Key findings

    Foreseen outcomes of the study of the (virtual) practice are:
    - A newly developed virtual form of person-centred music making with vulnerable people living independently and their carers, to be potentially used in diverse cases of isolation;
    - Better understanding of the contribution that (virtual) person-centred music making can make to the wellbeing of vulnerable elderly people, their carers and their direct environment.
    Short titleMusic near you
    Effective start/end date1/02/2030/11/20

    Collaborative partners


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