Project Details


Sport injuries are a major reason for reduced participation and drop-out from sports and PE. Refraining from sport participation has negative bearing effects on mental and physical wellbeing, which tracks into adulthood. It is therefore important for youth to be facilitated into lifelong active participation in physical activity and sport, as the importance of physical activity for the health of youth is undisputed. Participation in physical education (PE) classes and membership of sports clubs and are essential for health enhancing physical activity. Despite the importance of sports injury prevention in youth, no broad scale approaches that work in real-life situations with significant positive effects exist. Main reasons for this are very poor uptake and maintenance of current sports injury prevention exercises. Sportscoaches and physical educators experience these exercises as not context specific, time consuming and not contributing to their training goals. Whereas youth perceives these exercises as not attractive, no fun and without any play or game component. These aspects cause lack of maintenance and thus no significant reduction of injuries. Recent scientific and practical insights promote more emphasis on motivation through autonomy and attractive exercise routines based on principles of motor learning which can be integrated in regular training sessions or physical education classes. Purpose: Therefore, the Move Healthy project develops ICT based support video material of routines for and with physical educators and sport coaches, which supports them to prevent sports injuries in youth. This material should be easy to integrate in regular training sessions or physical education classes.
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/21

Collaborative partners

  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences (lead)
  • VeiligheidNL
  • International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) – Global Network
  • The European Network of Sporteducation (ENSE)
  • Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) network
  • University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
  • Vrije Universiteit
  • VU University, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, Department of Health Sciences
  • Lithuanian Baskebtball Association
  • University of Oradea


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