Feasibility study Typha

  • Oostra, Mieke (PI)

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    Within the framework of resource efficiency it is important to recycle and reuse
    materials, replace fossil fuel based products with bio-based alternatives and avoid
    the use of toxic substances. New applications are being sought for locally grown
    biomass. In the area of Groningen buildings need reinforcement to guarantee safety
    for its users, due to man-induced earthquakes. Plans are to combine the work
    needed for reinforcement with the improvement of energy performance of these
    buildings. The idea is to use bio-based building materials, preferably grown and
    processed in the region.
    In this study it is investigated whether it is feasible to use Typha (a swap plant) as a
    basis for a bio-based insulation product. In order to start the activities necessary to
    further develop this idea into a commercial product and start a dedicated company,
    a number of important questions have to be answered in terms of feasibility. This
    study therefore aims at mapping economic, organisational and technical issues and
    associated risks and possibilities. On the basis of these results a development
    trajectory can be started to set up a dedicated supply chain with the appropriate
    partners, research projects can be designed to develop the missing knowledge and
    the required funding can be acquired.
    Effective start/end date1/11/171/05/18

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