Projects per year
Personal profile
Personal profile
Curricum Vitae
Environmental issues are very important for me, both in my professional and personal life. I try to live in an environmentally responsible way and also in my work I want to contribute to a better environment. A Ph.D. in electrical engineering, a MSc in energy and environmental sciences and experience in research and teaching in both fields, give me unique qualities for analysing and modelling of (environmental/electrical) systems and data as well as for lecturing those subjects. I also have some programming experience and like to solve intriguing programming puzzles.
Work experience
Since Jun 2016 |
Hanze Hogeschool, researcher/lecturer |
Jul 2016 – Dec 2017 |
UMCG, ICT application developer Delphi, SQL / Oracle, data analyses |
May 2014 - Jan 2015 |
University College Dublin, Geary Institute, Dynamics Lab, Post doc researcher * analyse sensor data to find weekly patterns of behaviour * develop, run and analyse online surveys * work with different stakeholders |
Feb 2012 - Feb 2014 |
Twente University, Post doc researcher (50%) * studying local energy initiatives and their role in the energy transition * agent based modelling of a smart grid with local exchange, PV and storage * participate in a multi disciplinary team |
Oct 2009 - Jul 2011 |
University of Groningen (RuG), Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences, IVEM, University teacher (50%) * lecturing, coaching and supervising master students * developing educational material, teaching and evaluating |
Feb 2009 - Oct 2009 |
RuG, Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences, Researcher (40%) * research in cooperation with Essent on integrating wind energy and electric vehicles in the electricity system of 2020 |
Jul 2008 - Jan 2012 |
UMCG, ICT application/database developer (from 60% to 30%) |
Mar 2008 - Apr 2008 |
Maartenscollege, vmbo, Mathematics teacher (variable hours) |
Nov 2007 - Mar 2008 |
International School Groningen, Mathematics teacher (48%) |
2004 - Sep 2007 |
RuG, Center for Energy and Environmental Sciences, Research assistant (50%) * organising, coordinating and developing a national course for PhDs * studying (acidification) models and (site dependent) LCA |
1999 - 2004 |
RuG, BioMedical Engineering, Electrical engineer (50%) |
1987 - 1989 |
Utrecht University, medical physics, Electrical engineer |
2010 - 2011 |
RUG, UOCG, Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO) The BKO is a didactic certificate for university lecturers. |
2007 - 2008 |
PTH, evening classes to become a mathematics teacher |
2002 - 2005 |
RUG, Master Energy and Environmental Sciences, cum laude * methods and techniques of environmental sciences, energy and materials, * environmental planning, system theory, experimental trace gas detection, * life cycle analysis and spatial differentiation |
1993 - 1998 |
Delft University of Technology, Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. * design magnetic sensors in silicon, analyse measurements, * develop, realise and control measurement systems * work towards physics teacher licence (o.a. studied thermodynamics) |
1989 - 1993 |
Delft University of Technology, Master Electrical Engineering (ir), cum laude |
1983 - 1987 |
HTS Rotterdam, Bachelor Electrical Engineering (ing), cum laude |
1977 - 1983 |
atheneum, Rotterdam |
Courses, skills and languages
solar energy |
edx, online courses on PV 2016 – currently working on part 4 |
Java |
edx, online courses Introduction to Java programming part I and II January – February 2016 |
data science |
edx, online courses ‘Statistial thinking for data science and analytics’, ‘Machine learning for data science and analytics’ and ‘Enabling technologies for data science and analytics, the internet of things’. January – April 2016 |
complexity |
RuG, online course, decision making in a complex and uncertain world, September and October 2014 |
C/C++ |
RuG, 2007; refresh and update of C/C++ knowledge and experience |
programming |
mainly NetLogo, VBA, SQL, Delphi, C/C++ |
English |
Standard English Group Courses (CEFR level B2/C1 and C1 and higher) February to March 2015, Language Centre, RuG |
German |
evening classes, HAVO certificate, June 2001; conversation classes 2001/02 |
Algemene Ondernemers Vaardigheden, (trading licence), 2000 |
emancipation committee |
Delft University of Technology, 1993-1998, formulate policy advice and organise events |
section committee |
Delft University of Technology, representing Ph.D. students |
confidential counsellor |
for female Ph.D. students of the section (Delft University of Technology) |
committee member |
I am a member of the committee of Teu, the international dance club in Groningen, from Nov 2011 to May 2014 as secretary and since Nov 2015 I chair the meetings. During holiday periods I organise weekly dance nights. |
folk-dancing |
international, especially the Balkans, Irish dancing and American square |
walking |
hillwalking in Ireland and all kind of walks in the Netherlands
Bellekom, Sandra, Maarten Arentsen and Kirsten van Gorkum (2015). Prosumption and the Distribution and Supply of Electricity. Submitted to Energy, Sustainability and Society.
Bellekom, Sandra, Nasim Mahmud and Diane Payne. (2014). Multidisciplinarity at work: the Authentic project. UCDToday, winter 2014, 15.
Bellekom, Sandra, Nasim Mahmud, Oscar Manzano and Diane Payne (2014). Smart Homes for Lower Energy Consumption. Science and Solutions for a Sustainable Environment Conference, 11-12 December 2014, Dublin, Ireland (poster)
Bellekom, Sandra (2014). The Dynamic Interaction Between Self-Consumption and the Grid. ESEIA-IGS Conference, Smart and Green Transitions in Cities / Regions. 24-25 April 2014, Enschede, the Netherlands. (oral presentation)
Arentsen, Maarten and Sandra Bellekom (2014). Power to the People. Local energy initiatives as seedbeds of innovation? Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2014, Vol. 4, Issue 2.
Arentsen, Maarten and Sandra Bellekom (2013). Power to the People. Local energy initiatives as seedbeds of innovation? EURA 2013 Conference, 3-6 July 2013, Enschede, the Netherlands. (oral presentation)
Hoppe, Thomas, Sandra Bellekom and Kris Lulofs (2013). Energy Efficiency in the Dutch Residential Sector: reflections on policy implementation. Policy Quarterly, 9 (1), 9-15.
Bellekom, Sandra, René Benders, Steef Pelgröm and Henk Moll (2012). Electric cars and wind energy: two problems one solution? A study to combine wind energy and electric cars in 2020 in the Netherlands. Energy, 45, 859-866.
Bellekom, S., Hettelingh, J.-P., Aben, J. (2009). Spatial aspects affecting acidification factors in European acidification modelling. Environmental Modelling and Software. Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp. 463-472.
Bellekom, S., Potting, J., Benders, R.M.J. (2006). Feasibility of applying site-dependent impact assessment of acidification in LCA. International journal of life cycle assessment. Vol. 11, pp. 417-424.
Bellekom, S., Hettelingh, J.P., Aben, J. (2006). Influence of spatial resolution on modeling acidifying effects and acidification factors. SETAC Europe 16th annual meeting, 7-11 May, Den Haag, the Netherlands, pp. 104. (poster)
van der Plaats, A., Maathuis, M.H.J., ’t Hart, N.A., Bellekom, A.A., Hofker, H.S., van der Houwen, E.B., Verkerke, G.J., Leuvenink, H.G.D., Verdonck, P., Ploeg, R.J., Rakhorst, G. (2006) The Groningen hypothermic liver perfusion pump: functional evaluation of a new machine perfusion system. Annals of biomedical engineering. Vol. 34, pp. 1924-1934.
Bellekom, S., Potting, J., Benders, R. (2005). Required effort and relevance of results of site dependent acidification in LCIA. 3rd international conference of the ISIE, 12-15 June, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 175-177. (oral presentation)
Bellekom, S., Potting, J., Benders, R. (2004). Feasibility of site-dependent impact assessment in LCA. SETAC Europe 14th annual meeting, 18-22 April, Prague, Czech Republic. (oral presentation)
Steiner, R., Maier, C., Mayer, M., Bellekom, S., Bales, H. (1999). Influence of mechanical stress on the offset voltage of Hall devices operated with spinning current method. Journal of micro electromechanical systems. Vol. 8(4), pp. 466-472.
Bellekom, S. (1998). Origins of offset in conventional and spinning-current Hall plates. Delft University Press (thesis)
Bellekom, S. (1998). CMOS versus bipolar Hall plates regarding offset correction. Proc. Eurosensors XII, 13-16 September, Southampton, UK. (poster)
Bellekom, S. (1998). Temperature dependence of the offset of (spinning-current) Hall plates. Proc. 5th NEXUSPAN workshop on thermal aspect in micro system technology, 6-8 May, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 70-73. (poster)
Bellekom, S., Sarro, L. (1998). Offset reduction of Hall plates in three different crystal planes. Sensors and Actuators, Vol. A66, pp. 23-28.
Bellekom, S. (1998) Influence of substrate voltage on sensitivity and offset of (spinning-current) Hall plates. Proc. Dutch conference on sensor technology, 2-3 March, Enschede, The Netherlands, pp. 179-184. (poster)
Bellekom, S., Yin, S., Bakker, A. (1997). Spinning-current Hall plates with integrated switches. Proc. ProRISC, 27-28 November, Mierlo, The Netherlands, pp. 43-48. (poster)
Bellekom, S., Sarong, L. (1997). Offset reduction of Hall plates in three different crystal planes. Crop. Transducers, 16-19 June, Chicago, VS, pp. 233-236. (poster)
Bellekom, S. (1997). Onderzoek naar offset in silicium Hall-platen. Proc. workshop sensortechnologie, 12-13 Maart, Zeist, the Netherlands, pp. 11. (poster, Dutch)
Middelhoek, S., Bellekom, A.A., Dauderstädt, U., French, P.J., in ’t Hout, S.R., Kindt, W., Riedijk, F., Vellekoop, M.J. (1995). Silicon sensors. Measurement science and technology. Vol. 6, pp. 1641-1658.
Bellekom, S., de Vries, P., Simon, P. (1995). Smart silicon Hall devices. Proc. 7th conference on sensors and their applications, 10-13 September, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 98-103. (oral presentation)
Bellekom, A.A. (1995). A sensor to measure weak magnetic fields. Proc. workshop sensortechnolgie, 16-17 Maart, Arnhem, the Netherlands, pp. 25. (poster)
Bellekom, A.A., de Vries. P.H.S., Sarro, P.M. (1994). Adaptive offset control in Hall plates. Proc. national conference sensor technology, 17-18 February, Enschede, the Netherlands, pp. 85-89. (oral presentation, Dutch)
Bellekom, A.A., Munter, P.J.A. (1994). Offset reduction in spinning-current Hall plates. Sensors and materials. Vol. 5(5), pp. 253-263.
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1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
WTRSTF WRKT: Waterstof Werkt
Aué, J.-J. (PI), Bekkering, J. (PI), Hengeveld, E. J. (PI), ter Veer, B. (PI), Perl, A. (PI) & Bellekom, S. (PI)
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VRVLNG RNGNG ZNNPNLN: Effect van vervuiling en reiniging van zonnepanelen op twee locaties in Nederland
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1/01/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Effect van vervuiling en reiniging van zonnepanelen op twee locaties in Nederland
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1/12/20 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
IEBB Project 9.1: Hoge energiecapaciteit voelbare warmteopslagsysteem met minimaal ruimtebeslag binnen het gebouw
Kooi, B. (PI) & Bellekom, S. (CoI)
1/01/20 → 31/07/21
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ENHyCo: ENTRANCE Hydrogen Configurator
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Hoeveel energie loop je mis door een vogelpoep op je zonnepaneel?
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Aanwezigheid ganzen op Ameland heeft geen meetbaar effect op opbrengst zonnepark
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Open Access -
Comparing cost-optimized energy systems with different heat storages: the application of an energy system cost optimization model
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Open AccessFile54 Downloads (Pure) -
Cost minimisation of hydrogen: case study hydrogen residential area Hoogeveen
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Open AccessFile93 Downloads (Pure)
Tineke van der Schoor (Organiser), Bert Kooi (Speaker), Sandra Bellekom (Speaker) & Hester Slager-Nieuwsma (Organiser)
16 May 2023Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in workshop, seminar, course
Effect van vervuiling en reiniging van zonnepanelen op twee locaties in Nederland
Sandra Bellekom (Speaker)
12 May 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Mobility patterns and impact on the grid
Montoya Cardona, J. (Speaker) & Bellekom, S. (Speaker)
15 Feb 2018Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Vogelpoep op zonnepanelen
Sandra Bellekom & Hans van Weerden
1 item of Media coverage
Press/Media: Research
Ganzenpoep op het zonnepaneel: hoeveel opbrengst scheelt dat?
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Other
Verticale zonnepanelen verdienen aparte subsidievoorwaarden
Sandra Bellekom, Hans van Weerden, Kees Hooimeijer & Martien Visser
1 Media contribution
Press/Media: Expert Comment