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SPARKLES: SPARKing a nature-positive future of floating solar for humans and nature across LandscapES
Boogaard, F., van der Moolen, B. & Koops, S.
1/01/24 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Samen-scholing op coole pleinen: Stimuleren van spelen, bewegen, ontmoeten en klimaatadaptatie
Nijkamp, J. E., Boogaard, F., Bulder, E. A. M., Mombarg, R., Koning, J., Koops, S., Lussenburg, O., Bosker, L. & Krol, D.
1/02/23 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Climate change adaptation under multiple interpretations of reality
de Jong, L., Melsen, L., Veldwisch, G. J., Boogaard, F. & Boelens, R.
2/12/21 → 2/12/25
Project: PHD Research