Projects per year
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PalcNeT: Cultivating new talents of palliative care in nursing education and training for China
Dijkman, B., Paans, W., van Slochteren, C. & Annen, M.
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Other
Young-D: Knowledge transfer about a psychosocial and behavioural program to prevent and manage anxiety, stress and sleep problems in people with early onset dementia
Vanderlinden, J., Dijkman, B., van Slochteren, C., Paans, W. & Luttik, M. L.
1/10/22 → 1/10/24
Project: Other
Shared decision-making in cardiac surgery
van Dieën, M., Paans, W., Mariani, M. A., Dieperink, W. & Blokzijl, F.
1/09/22 → 31/08/26
Project: PHD Research
Uitwerking: Een soepele overgang. Leerlingen met speciale onderwijsbehoeften naar het reguliere basisonderwijs
Luinge, M., Luttik, M. L. & Kassenberg, A.
1/06/22 → 30/04/26
Project: Research
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Point of Care Diagnostics and Technology Adoption in Homecare, Clinical Care, and Emergency Care
Paans, W., Dercksen, B., Dieperink, W. & Coffetti, E.
1/01/22 → 1/01/25
Project: Research
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Patient Documentation Handover and Follow-up
Paans, W., Dieperink, W., Tamminga-Oudman, H., Onrust, M., van der Voort, P. H. J., van Veenendaal, N., Luttik, M. L., van der Meulen, I. & Blokzijl, F.
1/01/22 → 1/01/25
Project: Research
Pijn bij thuiswonende kwetsbare ouderen in de laatste levensfase
Drenth, H., Hobbelen, H. & Finnema, E.
1/10/21 → 1/10/26
Project: PHD Research
‘Vorming van professionele en interprofessionele identiteit van zorgprofessionals: de invloed van onderwijs’.
van der Weerd, L., Drenth, H., Reinders, J. & Finnema, E.
1/09/21 → 1/09/25
Project: PHD Research
HEALCARE: Health Literacy competences to improve respectful and compassionate care in Tanzania
Smit, J. & Paans, W.
15/11/20 → 15/11/23
Project: Research
A predictive model of symptoms for pain in independently living frail elderly in palliative care
van Veen, S., Drenth, H., Hobbelen, H., Krijnen, W., de Graaf, E. & Finnema, E.
1/09/20 → 30/04/24
Project: PHD Research
Non-pharmacological interventions feasible in the nursing scope of practice for pain relief in palliative care patients: a systematic review
van Veen, S., Drenth, H., Hobbelen, H., Finnema, E., Teunissen, S. & de Graaf, E.
27/07/20 → 11/01/24
Project: PHD Research
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Developing Gerontological Nursing Education in China through Multidisciplinary Innovations
Dijkman, B., Paans, W., van Slochteren, C. & Annen, M.
15/11/19 → 15/11/22
Project: Other
Kwetsbaarheid vanuit het perspectief van ouderen
Golbach, R., Hobbelen, H., Jager-Wittenaar, H. & Finnema, E.
2/09/19 → 1/04/24
Project: PHD Research
ProMiMiC: ProMiMiC: ProMiMiC - Professional Excellence in Meaningful Music in Healthcare
Smilde, R., Dons, K. & de Wit, K.
1/09/19 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Samen beslissen over optimale behandeling bij nierfunctievervanging op basis van zorgdata en patiëntvoorkeuren
de Ruiter, H.
1/09/19 → 31/08/21
Project: Other
FADE: FAmily participation in shared DEcision making elderly cancer patients (FADE)
1/09/19 → 31/08/24
Project: PHD Research
Virtual Reality voor AMBulanceverpleegkundig Onderwijs van complexe situaties.
Dijksterhuis, C., Degens, N. & Paans, W.
1/02/19 → 31/01/21
Project: Research
ProInCA: Promoting the Innovation Capacity of Higher Education in Nursing during Health Services Transition (ProInCa)
Dijkman, B., Paans, W., van Slochteren, C., Oosterhoff, B. & de Beer, E.
15/10/17 → 31/01/21
Project: Other
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Concerned significant others of persons with substance use disorder
Dusseldorp, C.
1/09/17 → 1/09/21
Project: Research
ELLAN-European Later Life Active Network
Dijkman, B. & Roodbol, P.
1/10/13 → 1/10/16
Project: Research