Communication Director: Too much trust?

Press/Media: Research

Period17 Jul 2019

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleCommunication Director: Too much trust?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletCommunication Director
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionSurprising discussions at this year's BledCom Symposium, the annual gathering where public relations scholars and practitioners discuss the latest communication and management problems.
    Several papers and presentations explored the concept of trust and pointed out the variety of definitions out there, as well as the assumption that we all speak about the same thing when in fact we aren’t. Chiara Valentini (Jyvaskyla University School of Business and Economics) provided a compelling review of literature, while Alastair McCapra, chief executive of CIPR – Chartered Institute of Public Relations, questioned the concept of trust and the way it is measured in Edelman’s Trust Barometer; while Natalie Doyle Oldfield of Success Through Trust presented her model to evaluate trust. Needless to say, participants launched a call to approach more cautiously and critically the concept of trust and its operationalization, as well as its link with reputation.

    Other papers explored the relationship between trust and reputation, exploring a variety of contexts: from academic reputation and the now-fashionable university rankings (Ana Tkalak Vercic, University of Zagreb, Croatia and Dejan Vercic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia), to the fossil fuel industry (Beata Kviatek, Univerity of Applied Sciences Groeningen, the Netherlands) to Hot Yoga (Antonia Rizzo, Canadian Force Morale and Welfare Services, Canada) or an unexpected discussion about secret services and their reputation, brought up by Denisa Hejlova of Charles University (Czeck Republic).
    Communication Director is published quarterly: the magazine's Issue Focus explores a different communications topic each issue from a variety of perspectives. In addition, Communication Director features a range of articles that cover the full spectrum of the communications and public affairs portfolio, from digital to B2B, crisis communications to HR. Other regular features include Questions To, a short Q&A with one of Europe's communication directors, Communications Reader, a selection of book reviews and previews, an in-depth Interview with a leading figure from the field of communications, and news about the latest activities of the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD)
    Producer/AuthorDr. Ana Adi
    PersonsBeata Kviatek


  • BledCom
  • fossil fuel industry