Workshop over dynamisch gedrag van houten vloeren

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


Vibrations are a critical aspect of timber design due to their impact on human comfort, structural integrity, acoustic performance, serviceability, compliance with standards, and economic considerations. Proper design to manage and mitigate vibrations ensures a safe, comfortable, and durable environment. Due to the complexities in the dynamic nature of timber floor vibrations, several uncertainties remain in the design of these structural elements.

This workshop aims to bring together experts, participants, and producers to discuss recent developments in the engineering design of timber floors against vibrations. A demonstration of six different floors will also take place during the event.
Period11 Jun 2024
Event typeWorkshop
Conference number1
LocationGroningen, NetherlandsShow on map


  • trust in timber
  • design
  • vibrations