Routledge/Taylor & Francis (Publisher)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity


Education in sport and in physical activity has a long tradition in most parts around the globe. Recently, higher education and non-university education settings in the sport sector are growing, both in numbers and in importance. Since a couple of years, the idea of making projections about the future of education in the sport and physical activity sector was first discussed with selected members of
the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE). One important conclusion of these debates was that education in sport and physical activity contributes significantly to the quality of life of global citizens in the context of a greener, more health-conscious set of policies. Furthermore, considering recent complex societal developments, there is a need to create awareness of the important role of education in the sport and physical activity sector around the globe. As a result, this book aims to present a comprehensive, global, and multidisciplinary overview of education in sport and physical activity with a focus on current and future developments in the sport and physical activity and related sectors from a cross-national perspective.
The diversity of approaches which are introduced in this book focuses on four different dimensions: (1) on selected disciplines (such as Coaching, Physical Education, Sport Management, Physical Activity and Health, and the Outdoor Education sector), (2) on future trends in education and the effects on the sport and physical activity sector (such as globalisation and digitalisation), (3) on the status of sport and physical activity on different continents (Europe, Asia,
North America, Australia/Oceania, and Latin America), and (4) on the future challenges in a changing world and the responsibility of education in sport and physical activity.
Type of publisherPublisher
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • sports
  • physical activity
  • health
  • management
  • physical education
  • coaching
  • globalisation
  • technology
  • outdoor educaton